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Coaches' Corner

This page is just for NW Coaches. As we work together and develop ways to better support you in your role as coach, we will put the information on this page for you. Please let us know what else should be included.


Parent Contact Form

Click the link above to access this can be used by the coach to solicit parent contact information. If you provide the completed form to NWAB, we will type it up for you and provide it back to you in an email distribution list so that you can better communicate with your parents/team. Also, there is a spot to see who might be able to be a team rep for you, who could help coordinate/communicate with other parents on your behalf or attend a NWAB meeting and represent your sport.

Funding Request Form

Coaches' requests for funds must be presented to the Athletic Director for consideration by NWAB.

Please tell us what else you need here....send an email to

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